

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

SOCIAL GROUPS IN Multicultural society

Papers SOCIAL GROUPS IN Multicultural society
"Prepared to fulfill the task of social science (IPS)"

1.KELOMPOK SOCIAL multicultural society
Social groups are individuals who come together and interact.
In addition to the term social group, is also familiar with the term sociology crowd.
The crowd can be defined as individuals who are at the same time and place.
The crowd social group
• are fixed
• have the same goal
• the interaction is clear and focused
• lead to the formation of a temporary community •
• do not have a common goal
• unfocused interaction
• does not lead to the formation of community
Different social groups with the crowd

Multicultural society is a human entity that has a diverse culture.
Here is the view of sociologists regarding multicultural society.
• J.S Furnivall
Multicultural society is formed by two or more communities.
• Nasikun
Multicultural society is a society that embraces a lot of the value system
• Pierre L.
Van de Berghe
Multicultural society has the following characteristics:
- Have a subculture.
- The social structure formed prone to conflict
- Social integration grows over coercion and interdependence in the economic field
• Clifford Geertz
Multicultural society is a society that has ties primordialitas
Relationships Social Group With Multicultural Society
1. As a Social Group Forming Elements Multicultural Society
Multicultural society can not be realized without the existence of social groups
2. As a social group dynamist Multicultural Society
Multicultural society the sort order is as follows.
Individuals - social klompok - masarakat - masarakat multicultural
Relationships Social Group With Multicultural Society
1. As a Social Group Forming Elements Multicultural Society
Multicultural society can not be realized without the existence of social groups
      2. As a social group dynamist Multicultural Society
Multicultural society the sort order is as follows.

Relationships Social Group With Multicultural Society
1. As a Social Group Forming Elements Multicultural Society
Multicultural society can not be realized without the existence of social groups
       2. As a social group dynamist Multicultural Society
Multicultural society the sort order is as follows.

1. Multicultural Community onset Causes In Indonesia
a. Racial diversity
There are 3 major races in the world of human beings,
- Mongoloid race
- Race Caucasian
- Race Negroid
b. Ethnic diversity
c. Diversity group
d. Religious diversity
Indonesia has a diversity of religions and beliefs.
Existing and growing religion in Indonesia, among others
 - Islam
- Christian
- Catholic
- Hindu
- Buddha
- Confucius
2. Characteristics of Multicultural Society In Indonesia
Indonesian society can not be said as a perfect multicultural society. It is indicated from the following.
1. Still there is the dominance of one group over other groups.
2. Existing social structure more profitable parties dominate.
3. Emerging social conflicts still continue with violence.

C. Diversity of social groups
Mechanical Solidarity and Organic Solidarity
This concept was introduced by Emile Durkheim. He looked at two groups of people are divided, in terms of mechanical and functional aspects organisatorik
Mechanical solidarity is characteristic of a society that is simple and not familiar with the division of labor.
while organic solidarity is the result of human consciousness or rational desire.
2. Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
This concept was introduced by Ferdinand Tonnies. According to the group consisting of gemeinschaft and gesellschaft.
Gemeinschaft is a common life form whose members are bound by a mind that is pure and relationship is eternal. Gemeinschaft is formed by the presence of blood or descent iktana.
Gesellschaft is realized by a group of external ties that limited time period.
3. Primary and Secondary groups
Cooley and Faris says there are two types of groups in society, namely primary and secondary groups.
Primary group interaction and collaboration characterized by intimate face-to-face.
while the secondary group is characterized by formal relationships, not personal and institutional characteristic. An example is the political party.
4. In-group and out-group
This theory was introduced by William Graham Sumner. He divided the group into two major groups, namely in-group and out-group.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 09.00

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